Friday, February 3, 2012

Thank You to Karin, Katie & Rebecca

As I went back and re-read my stream of conscious writing from yesterday, I realized that I did not thank three really instrumental people in changing Andrew's diet.  Karin has hounded me for over a year to check out NACD and a gluten free diet, thanks to the amazing results that her good friend Katie has had from this group with her children.  First, THANK YOU Karin for never letting up on me to change Andrew's diet and introducing me to NACD, and THANK YOU to Katie who doesn't even realize how she is motivating me to do all I can do to be the best mom possible for my three special, sweet children.  I don't know where this road leads, but I know I won't give up until I know I've done all I can do.  Thank you both so much!!  THANK YOU also Rebecca on all the Feingold Diet books.  The information I've learned about the food we put into our body & the effects it can have on some children have been so eye-opening and a bit scary.  HUGE BIG THANKS to the friends that have listen to me talk about this stuff.  Your ears and advice keep me going and comfort me.  Thank you!!

1 comment:

  1. You inspire us... you moved to china and are doing it all! Amazing! Young man andrew is awsome... anything for him to have the fullest and best life EVER! Love you kimmy! eating good=feeling good= mom is GOOD! Keep up the awsome blog, looking forward to reading it everyday! No pressure....
