Sunday, May 8, 2011

Our safety in Suzhou

Here is our driver, Jack.  He adores Emmakate.  And keeps us all very very safe.

A few more May activities

Curious George has nothing on ME!

Riding in a car is a BLAST - especially when Jack has to avoid the "local" driver.

You should see all of the cool stuff I can collect here.

Mother's Day brunch at the Intercontinental - a surprise for Mom.

Clown and Balloons, this is a cool LUNCH even for us!!  This was William's first outing after getting over scarlet fever.  Thank God for antibotics!!

Bring on the FOOD, I'm gonna just eat this spoon.

Way too many balloons later - the kids remained happy and occupied for a really nice mothers day brunch.

Even Emmakate, sweating in the humidity, was a dream during the brunch.   We all had a great time. 

April / May 2011 Activities

Here is what we have been up to.

We took a quick little weekend vacation to Shanghai and did a few touristy things.    William and Emmakate decided to get the first birds eye view of the city from our Hotel Window before a trip to the pool with big brother Andrew.

Andrew = Yeah, I got this place figured out, stick with me and you guys will be OK.

Emmakate, being our newest fashion queen, decided that she needed to try out her new look....   The statement, "fashion is painful" comes to mind.   Her eyes were smooshed into the goggles.
Starbucks in Shanghai - awesome cake suckers.   Most of it made it into our mouths.   Some on the ground..... some in the hair.
We found both "book-ends" of how to see Shanghai.    The first one was the by bus.....

The DOUBLE-DECKER bus was the best way....    100 RMB (about $14) per person for 24 hours.    You can jump on and off all day long.  There is about four main routes that pretty much take you on most all of the touristy spots.  Both Andrew and William were "dying" to go on it the first day there.   We were able to get upstairs and in the front seats.   
We took the bus to one of the "biggest" touristy spots in the city.   Yes, it was the Pearl tower.   Despite the expression on the kids faces, they were really looking forward to it.

Getting tickets to the tower was an adventure itself.    On the way to the ticket counter, Mitch was convinced to work with a "bookie" to get a special rate ticket.   So he grabbed us and helped us navigate through a crowd that would remind you of the Superbowl crowed.  Then the guy tried to tell us to wait for a car.  Mitch maybe a hillbilly, but he knew that we probably didn't need to get in a car to go "up" in the tower.  Especially when we were STANDING at the steps of the entrance!!!   Now it is true that the Pearl Tower is the tallest building in Shanghai.   And it has a great vantage point of the city .... assuming you catch it on a sunny day.   However, it is NOT the best way to see the city.   Particularly that after you buy the tickets and fight through the crowd, you have to stand in a line.... oh...... say .... for about 2 STINKEN hours.    (Don't forget we had three kids with us.....)   So after two hours of standing in line at the base, we got up the elevator.   Then we found out that we were only 1/2 way up and needed to stand in another 30 minute line.   Oh, each elevator they counted the number of people regardless of size or shape.  So Mitch and Emmakate with her stroller counted as two.   At one point, Mitch was standing on one leg with his other leg supporting himself against the wall of the elevator standing over the stroller.    Think sardines!   Then upstairs we had to carry the stroller up two flights of stairs.   Now the best part was that Emmakate slept through most of this.   It was pretty at the top.  ONCE.   So if you come see us and want to visit the tower, you are welcome to.  But Mitch says we will meet you across the street.

We then went to the Shanghai Aquarium.  This was awesome.  

So how many places in the US do you get to SIT on the Polar Bear?

Andrew swam with the fish in the underwater tunnel.

William just LOVED the whole day and everything we saw.

Up close and personal with the sharks.   The tunnel views were spectacular.
Mom and Dad - well they survived!!

The bullet train back to Suzhou was not too bad.    Getting onto the train was a bit of a challenge, but an experience none-the-less.   The waiting hall was huge and full of people.   When our train was up, think of a herd of cattle getting shuttled through a chute to get on a truck.    The train trip was 20 minutes, but the wait to get on was about 40.    All in all, great time had by all.

Mommy and Emmakate at the Easter Party.

So much candy, SO little TIME.
Time for a bit of refreshments!
Hey MOMMY, check out my new bestest friend!   Happy Easter All.